Friday, June 24, 2011


Last night Alexi Kukuljevic and I, as part of the Machete group, gave our lecture in Berlin, entitled, "A Grey Present? Pessimism, Culture and the Contemporary". The video of the event will be uploaded on-line here in a few days: . The talk was mostly an allegory about based in berlin, but also, in a way, about the silence project.

An event had been discussed also last week for Signal gallery in Malmo, though time constraints made that impossible. It would have been a conversation about the videos by Cage available on ubuweb. As it was, the trip became for me a more personal haven to discuss ideas and reflect with friends about this and other projects. As such, this post will just be a short anecdote below. I leave tomorrow for Toronto, then down to Bard, where Nick Keys and I are planning a series of conversations about Cage over the course of four days, but it is still in planning stages.


At the Louisiana museum of modern art, an accompanied three or four year old enters a video screening by a well-known practitioner of relational aesthetics. The video seems to go on without a logic, and the child begins to ask when it will end. The father says he does not know; the video does not have a time. But the child notices that something else: the video is documenting a day, and the sky is getting darker. I bet it ends when night comes, says the child. His father does not respond. Indeed, when the last light in the town goes out, the screen goes black, and no image returns.

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